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Friday 21 September 2012

Testing the goods?!?!?!?!?!

Following recent conversations and situations which have happened, I find myself asking do you believe in testing out your partner’s sexual abilities before marriage???????

Please don't get me wrong, I don't mean testing out if your partner can do acrobatics in bed or wherever you choose (as I believe those skills can be learnt) but the mere simple stuff which I believe is more applicable to ladies, can he get it up? Does he have a functioning penis?

Sounds very raw but it is a very honest question. Raised as a Christian, the bible teaches us to abstain from sex before marriage and I've known some girls/ladies who follow this to the T!

Is that still applicable in this current day? In biblical times, girls were married at such early ages leaving no room/little chances to "fornicate"

After hearing so many horror stories; it really makes me think twice. In two very recent situations, both men use the bible as a perfect excuse not to engage in sexual acts with their partners only for the wife to discover after the wedding ceremony, her husband simply can't get it up!!!!! The men (in both these situations) stated well, they have been through the process, the introduction, traditional wedding ceremony and they’ve taken the vows before God so this lady (the new wife) doesn't have a choice. I recently learnt they resort to tricks like pouring ice cold water on the penis to achieve a temporary erection which lasts long enough for penetration.

I’m sure this is not the only horror story of its kind out there out there but this is what I have recently heard

I digress, back to my question, do you believe in testing the goods prior to marriage????

I can only imagine the next question is, how many goods are you going to try before you meet The one and at what stage in the relationship do you test the goods? After testing the goods, if he is not the one then what next??????

What do you think? 

Friday 23 March 2012


Hey dolls,

So its a year on and I'm sure y'll are wondering how I am doing with my weight loss challenge right?!?!?!?!?!?!? Well you will be pleased to know I've actually lost 7kg. Whoop Whoop I hear you saying.....

Don't get too excited about that as I have put on 5kg back. SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know. I feel the same way. Weight loss just seems like the hardest thing ever. Maybe because I am not disciplined enough. Maybe because I love food. O who knows!!!!! 
I've been quite disciplined in my gym approach but at the same time, I always feel I deserve a treat. ALOL (actually laughing out loud). 

Well according to evidence based research, if you have a "realistic" goals it makes it more achievable. So I have set mine for six months. Yeah, I know it does seem like a really long way away but its very realistic. I will be celebrating my 21st birthday and I'm super excited. I am also participating in race for life to raise money for charity so I actually have two goals. 

Here I go AGAIN. Hopefully next time I will have some exciting news to share. 

Will keep you posted 

Ciao bella xoxo

What's your "real" reason for hittin the gym?

I am sure most of y'll know my blog posts are usually generated following a conversation with someone who makes me stop in my tracks and ponder a thought for longer than a minute. With great joy, I fail to disappoint on this occasion as it does not differ.

Speaking with a colleague who is a gym junkie, Adele is in her mid forties but still loves working out. She is very beautiful with a well toned body many of us "teenagers" would could only aspire for.
During our conversation, she described how she gets her kick by watching others training and physically challenging them unbeknown to her opponent. "I get a thrill knowing they can't do what I'm doing". Obviously, my first reaction is "seriously?!?!?!?!?!?!?!".

How could that possibly do anything for her? She is the only person who knows she is having a competition/challenge. That confused me for a second, like obviously not everyone who trains in the gym are on the same workout levels.

This was followed by her need to wear make up to the gym. I mean a full face of make accompanied with blusher, yes the works!!!!!!! Now this is something I just do not understand and I've often tweeted about it.

Please do not get me wrong, I am not judging just that I really do not understand how this works and what could be the rationale for this. Do people wear make to the gym because of major insecurities or to attract attention from the opposite sex/ same sex (whatever works for you)?

I would NEVER list going to the gym as one of my hobbies with the exceptions of spin, zumba and badminton but due to my "fat genes and love for good food", I have no choice. The last thing I would be doing is going with a face full of make up or checking what others are doing. I try and focus on myself and gain momentum.

Which leads me to my next question. Do ladies really go to the gym to attract guys and get chatted up? Seriously? I couldn't imagine. During and after a proper workout, covered in sweat with a tangy odour (for my lack of a better term) standing and flirting with a guy. Sweat patches in places not normally acceptable, but as everyone has just seen me working it, its like who cares????? With all of that going on, being chatted up by a very cute guy with bulging biceps and pecs that has its own story, errrrrrrmmmmmm I just don't think so!!!!!!!

I know guys sweat as well but they look sexy, masculine and strong.........(the list can go on). Ladies, on the other hand, nah, not cute at all!!!!!!!

I go to the gym, usually minding my business unless if approached. I engage in the smallest talk ever (LOL), push myself to my limit and make a swift exit.

Am i just being anal? Is there something I'm missing. Should the gym be another place for meeting "cute" guys? Am I expected to flirt between abdominal crunches or while swinging my child bearing hips between the shoulder press and triceps machines???

Do I need to up my "A" game?

Thursday 23 February 2012

What dating rules?!?!?!?!?!?!

I was prompted to write this following a discussion with my aunt T. 

As many of you may know, I am a really girly girl down to a T!!! I love everything feminine and make no apologies for it. Not that I'm complaining. Once again, I hear myself deviating. So the story goes something like this. 

For a while my favourite aunt T, (not related by blood or anything but as a a true Nigerian, everyone who is more than five older than me automatically gets the aunt or uncle label as a sign of respect) tried to set me up with her son for ages. 
A little background about my aunt T. She is an amazing lady. The life and soul of any gathering. I promise anyone would love to have her as a mother in law. Aunt T is simply fabulous. 

My aunt applied many different techniques to "subtly" arrange a meeting with her son. Finally one day her wishes came to fruition and trust me I was not disappointed. Andy, (her son) was right up my street, tall, well built, beautiful sexy voice "a REAL man". Aunt T's excitement could not be contained. She was convinced we would "hook up" and live happily ever after. 

O boy, was she wrong. She could not be further from reality. LOL! The chemistry started and ended there. 
Aunt T constantly reminded me and wanted me to call him. I was adamant not to call him. I told aunt T, I was not about to start chasing a guy. I'm a very old skool kinda chick. I believe Andy's seen me and if he thinks I'm cute, hot, sexy, beautiful or just wanted to know me, he would make a move.....Right???????? I heard NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As to not drag out this story, Andy recently got married to another beautiful lady. They see very happy and I have no regrets at all. 

So my question is, Are there  no longer any rules to dating? Is it cool to chase and hunt guys down? I've always thought that was a bit desperate, forward, trying to be a man (role reversing). On the other hand, i do commend ladies who know what they want and go for it. I've been told I'm not a Nigerian babe as I would have hunted him down. There is something about that that just doesn't sit well with me. If you were in my shoes, would you have acted differently? As a lady, I enjoy the chase, to be sought after by a guy (for my lack of a better term). 

Am I old skool? Too traditional? Have the dating rules changed? Wondering, if they have changed, why was I not cc'd into that memo? 

Wednesday 4 January 2012


Hey dolls (when I say dolls, I don't only mean ladie but I have been pulled up about it so...) and dudes, How are you coming along with your new years resolutions. I'm not doing very well :(

Well one of my new year resolutions was to attempt to sleep at least 6 hours daily. Four days into the new year and I'm already struggling. I think my one hundred years of being a student has messed up my sleeping and never gotten back to normal since. 

I get so jealous when people around me sleep for six-eight hours (the recommended norm) and my little sister sleeps for ten hours despite being a full grown adult. How do people do it? 

I've tried everything short of sedatives, from hot baths/shower before bed, hot chocolate, Camomile drink, lavender drops on my pillow but nothing seems to be working, hence why I am still up and blogging at this hour. 

Appealing for suggestions to get a good nights kip. Will try almost anything ;)

Looking forward to your suggestions and a good nights sleep.....

Till later 

Ciao xoxo

Race for life Challenge

Hey dolls, I'm back (whoop whoop I hear y'll saying) in an attempt to keep to my word, 

I recently lost a family member to cancer. I thought I was OK and dealing with it quite well until I watched Pat Evans's (from Eastenders for y'll who do not know who she is) battle with terminal cancer. This tore me to shreds and dashed my new years resolution of positivity right out of the window. I simply could not function. 

Having worked with patients who have cancer and even provided palliative care (caring for patients with a terminal disease with no cure), I thought I could deal with cancer. O boy was I wrong. You never truly know how your going to react to something until it slaps you in the face. 

After a whole day of crying, sore and swollen red eyes, I dug deep and tried to turn this negative experience into a positive. I have decided to take up the Race for Life challenge. YAY!!!!!!!!

Now I call it a challenge because as y'll already know, I'm not the healthiest person neither do I enjoy working out but have to as I have fat genes. OK I'm deviating again. 

I'm determined to complete this race whether I walk, jog or run and raise money for Cancer Research UK. I know my run is not a going to provide a cure for cancer instantly but I am very optimistic and supportive that one day we find a cure for cancer. 

I am also trying to recruit as many people as possible to participate in the race for life challenge as this should hopefully translate into more money raised for Cancer Research UK. 

I am awaiting the race for life dates from the official website http://raceforlife.cancerresearchuk.org/.

I will be back with an update once I have all the details about my race to employ you to participate or make a donation. 

Please note: Thoughts reflected in this post have not been endorsed by Race for Life. 

Will keep you posted...........

Ciao xoxo

Monday 2 January 2012


Hey dolls,

Its that time of the year again. Xmas is almost well and truley over. We have stuffed our faces and if you are anything like me, gone way over your overdraft limit in the "January sales" (which really starts just after xmas). We made it guys, survived 2011 and safely crossed over to 2012. Amazing stuff hey!!!!!!!! 

I'm guessing most of us have new years resolutions, some of us write them down and others are mental resolutions but we all have a "list" of things we want to achieve or change in our lives. 

My list is almost as long as my arm. The thought of it sometimes confuses me and I think where do I start? #NoteToSelf  baby steps I here myself saying. 

Anyho, I digress,

We all have an opportunity to live like there is no tomorrow, love unconditionally with all our hearts, take risks while erasing thoughts of failure from our minds and always remain positive. I know this cliché has been used and abused but it could not be any more true......

"Where there's life, there's hope" So what's it going to be y'll

Make 2012 the best year of your life to date.

Till my next post, 

Ciao xoxo