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Monday 2 January 2012


Hey dolls,

Its that time of the year again. Xmas is almost well and truley over. We have stuffed our faces and if you are anything like me, gone way over your overdraft limit in the "January sales" (which really starts just after xmas). We made it guys, survived 2011 and safely crossed over to 2012. Amazing stuff hey!!!!!!!! 

I'm guessing most of us have new years resolutions, some of us write them down and others are mental resolutions but we all have a "list" of things we want to achieve or change in our lives. 

My list is almost as long as my arm. The thought of it sometimes confuses me and I think where do I start? #NoteToSelf  baby steps I here myself saying. 

Anyho, I digress,

We all have an opportunity to live like there is no tomorrow, love unconditionally with all our hearts, take risks while erasing thoughts of failure from our minds and always remain positive. I know this cliché has been used and abused but it could not be any more true......

"Where there's life, there's hope" So what's it going to be y'll

Make 2012 the best year of your life to date.

Till my next post, 

Ciao xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Defo behind you on that one live life to the fullest. WHOOP! WHOOP!
