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Sunday 13 March 2011


So it's almost been a year since I joined the gym. Y'll know how that works, pumped with adrenaline and excitement, I was a gym freak for a while till I started to notice the weight loss then I became complacent AGAIN!!!!!!!

Summer came and passed and was still thinking I'm OK, eating what I wanted, when I wanted. Passed through the gym at times when I could be bothered until I had another of those those days.........only this time it was worse.

I rattled my brain as to how I was going to shift this excess weight again. Going to the gym had become a chore and was quite boring I'm honest. A friend suggested a personal trainer.

With reluctance, I took my friends advise and got myself a trainer. (SMH).
After the first few sessions, I would ache for days, worked muscles I never knew I existed.....LOL!!! It was a task to sit down or stand up but I felt amazing.

Obviously I have to work out on my own and push myself but it has been a huge bonus.

Don't get me wrong, I still have cheat days when all I want is a pecan pie and bad days when I feel screw this I'm going to have chip shop chips and a sausage in batter (I know, remember fat girl genes) but believe tomorrow will be a better day ;)

Still remains a struggle at times, my love of food vs my perfect body, but it gets easier as working out seems a bit more "fun"

Will keep you posted..........

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