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Monday 14 March 2011

I woke this morning and felt amazing. I felt refreshed and renewed, like a new woman. Maybe due to feeling a lot better or the fact that I actually managed to sleep for eight hours. Who knows. the amazing winter sun beaming through my apartment windows, made me jump out of bed. Carried out my usual routine, stepped into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I was not scared by what I saw but surprisingly, it was more the thoughts that went through my head. Life has been amazing (obviously could be a lot better but I dare not complain), but there was something that hit me like a ton of bricks........

January 2010, I had massive plans which were clearly mapped out. I wanted to do this, that and the other. Somewhere along the road I was seriously derailed and I have struggled to get back on the journey.......till this morning. So without further ado, I am very excited and yet petrified to roll out my new blog.......................(drum rolls), www.purse-candy.blogspot.com

Look forward to see y'll there.

Ciao xxx

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