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Thursday 17 November 2011

Hey peeps! It's been a hot minute since I've posted anything. (I know I always say this.....blah blah blah). It doesn't mean I have stopped writing, just never having time to complete anything. Not a valid reason, I know!!!!!!!!

Over the last couple of weeks, I've truly experienced life as the roller coaster we always say it is. Many highs and even more lows but I thank God for taking me through the storm without loosing my mind. 

So I'm back. I would love to say with regular updates etc but as my track record has shown, that's not entirely true but I promise to try. 
Happy reading..............

Hugs and kisses 

Saturday 16 April 2011


Stop and think for one minute. Stop and think about your life, your family, your friends...........

We (humans) are so consumed with the things we want and "need" such as a new car, a house, a new bag, new Christian Louboutins, a boyfriend, a holiday......the list is endless but when was the last time you actually just stopped and reflected on your life? When was the last time you stepped back for a second and was truly grateful for the here and now?

Waking up healthy every morning, is not a gift we necessarily deserve but some higher force grants you another day. Another day to right your wrongs, another day to be uber productive, another day to start working on the to do list you complied a while ago, another day to live life to the fullest. Question is what do you do with it?

Do you waste the day as per usual, tweeting facebook'in, BBM'in, gossiping on the phone or faffing around doing irrelevant, unimportant, unnecessary, insignificant and pointless things?

I'm also very guilty of not making the most of everyday and not being grateful for even having another day but today it hit me like a ton of bricks..........

Everyday we wake up, we are given another chance to live, to laugh, to love to smile, to just be.

What are you going to to do today?

Monday 14 March 2011

I woke this morning and felt amazing. I felt refreshed and renewed, like a new woman. Maybe due to feeling a lot better or the fact that I actually managed to sleep for eight hours. Who knows. the amazing winter sun beaming through my apartment windows, made me jump out of bed. Carried out my usual routine, stepped into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I was not scared by what I saw but surprisingly, it was more the thoughts that went through my head. Life has been amazing (obviously could be a lot better but I dare not complain), but there was something that hit me like a ton of bricks........

January 2010, I had massive plans which were clearly mapped out. I wanted to do this, that and the other. Somewhere along the road I was seriously derailed and I have struggled to get back on the journey.......till this morning. So without further ado, I am very excited and yet petrified to roll out my new blog.......................(drum rolls), www.purse-candy.blogspot.com

Look forward to see y'll there.

Ciao xxx


I'm originally from Nigeria but have grown up in London. Despite living in east London for pretty much twenty something years, I have been brought up with a typical Nigerian background which includes referring to anyone older than me by uncle/aunt even if I have only just met them. I totally love and embrace my culture. I love most of our ethics and morals as I feel it really has shaped me into who am I today. I love that I was taught to respect my elders, respect authority and simple manners (just to name a few). 

I absolutely love my culture with the exception of one area..........MARRIAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where do i begin? In my culture, there is an unwritten but very well spoken age limit on marriage. Yes I know (I can hear you saying what crap)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a teenager, I always had the gentle reminder, "my dear, start getting ready, as soon as you finish your degree, you know what comes next?" Initially I would ask, and that is? As years went by and hearing it like a million and one times, I got the message LOUD and very clear!!!!!!!!

My question though is who set the age limit? What happens after you have passed the age limit? Is it the end of the world? Should I know jump off a bridge? Am I no longer eligible? Have I gone past my marriage before date? 

I feel so much is put into the "need" to be married by a certain age that we are never advised to live life to the fullest. There is no such thing as enjoying things that make you happy such as travelling, art, international shopping trips (HELLO) or whatever rocks your boat. It's all about marriage, marriage, marriage.

I wonder how many African parents actually teach their daughters to be amazing wives. I'm not talking about cooking and always being there for your husband but also the bits that might be uncomfortable for parents to talk about but are crucial in a marriage......Sex, keeping your partner happy. Being a good spouse in every sense of the word. 

I totally believe there is a whole lot more to life than marriage. I believe in getting to know oneself and developing who you really are. Understanding what you are comfortable with and being confident in who you are. I truly believe in marriage, as the icing on the cake and not something that needs to be done due to pressure or to validate you or to feel complete. 

Just my thoughts.


Sunday 13 March 2011


So it's almost been a year since I joined the gym. Y'll know how that works, pumped with adrenaline and excitement, I was a gym freak for a while till I started to notice the weight loss then I became complacent AGAIN!!!!!!!

Summer came and passed and was still thinking I'm OK, eating what I wanted, when I wanted. Passed through the gym at times when I could be bothered until I had another of those those days.........only this time it was worse.

I rattled my brain as to how I was going to shift this excess weight again. Going to the gym had become a chore and was quite boring I'm honest. A friend suggested a personal trainer.

With reluctance, I took my friends advise and got myself a trainer. (SMH).
After the first few sessions, I would ache for days, worked muscles I never knew I existed.....LOL!!! It was a task to sit down or stand up but I felt amazing.

Obviously I have to work out on my own and push myself but it has been a huge bonus.

Don't get me wrong, I still have cheat days when all I want is a pecan pie and bad days when I feel screw this I'm going to have chip shop chips and a sausage in batter (I know, remember fat girl genes) but believe tomorrow will be a better day ;)

Still remains a struggle at times, my love of food vs my perfect body, but it gets easier as working out seems a bit more "fun"

Will keep you posted..........

It's a new day!!!!

Good morning and happy Sunday. I woke up feeling, OMD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have abandoned my blogs again. I have been so consumed with so many other things (not a valid excuse) and I find myself constantly procastinating. I've made a personal promise to this blog up to date (well it's very public now), LOL!!!!!!

Wishing y'll a beautiful sunday,

Ciao xxx